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Sothink Tree Menu 2.90 build 291 для ucoz

[ Чтобы скачивать файлы зарегистрируйтесь, или войдите под своим логином ] 16 Января 2010, 10.53 PM
Программа для создания динамических, древовидных меню для веб страниц. Программа не требует от пользователя навыков в области DHTML или JаvaSсript. Динамические меню можно создавать на основе многочисленных шаблонов или придумать свои собственные. Программа автоматически генерирует код. Создаваемые меню подходят для всех типов браузеров. Очень нужная программа для всех веб-мастеров, кто хочет создать красивое, удобное и функциональное меню. А главное - программа очень проста в использовании и не требует каких-то особых навыков.

Sothink Tree Menu is the most powerful and easy-to-use javascript tree menu builder in the world. It is a family member of Sothink DHTML menu products. Both of them use the same user-friendly interface, which nearly all the other competitors of Tree Menu cannot beat.

Features of Sothink Tree Menu:
* Full cross browser compatibility (Immediate coverage of browser updates)
(IE 7, IE 8, Google Chrome, FireFox 3, Opera 9 and Safari 3 supported!) 
* Effect function in Sub-tree Settings enables users to choose a type of special effect to display or hide the sub nodes. 
* Sound function in Global Settings enables the menu to play sound when clicking the node including sub tree to expand & collapse, clicking the node with link address or moving the mouse over the node. 
* Arrow function in Sub-tree Settings enables users to configure arrow image of the node that includes sub trees. 
* Ruler function helps to layout the menu perfectly, which make the whole menu and each node get the precise size. 
* The option "Indent" in "Sub-tree Settings > General" enables users to set the indent between sub-tree and parent node. 
* Free Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Expression Web and Adobe GoLive integrated plug-ins 
* Database driven javascript tree menus with server-side code, like ASP, PHP or ASP.NET. 
* Generate search engine friendly drop down menu trees 
* Free Google XML Sitemap and general sitemap generators based on your menu structure 
* The same intuitive user interface as Sothink DHTML Menu
* Site Navigation Structure Generator generates tree menu based on web structure and link relationship 
* Records what nodes were expanded/collapsed
* Set default expanded/collapsed sub-trees 
* Easily expand/collapse sub-tree by clicking button, text or icon 
* Provides javascript API to control expanding/collapsing sub trees externally
* Great performance with large tree menu
* Design stylish tree menus from our built-in ready-made templates
* Exclusive Publish Wizard helps to add your tree menu to web pages in a fast and easy way
* Web Path for resources files and Link Prefix enable you to fast switch your project locally and on the web for testing purposes 
* The current page in use can be auto-highlighted in your tree menu 
* Non-English languages are supported, even Right-to-Left languages, such as Arabic
* Fully customizable properties, like font, icon, button, background, line, border, cursor, tool tip, and etc,.
* Select images for arrow, icon, background button and line from our rich Image Library and Group Library. Users can edit these images freely.
* Copy and Paste functions can quickly duplicate tree menu items 
* Import DHTML Menu (*.pgt files of V7.x+), which switches to tree-like menu from drop-down menu ,with its properties including text content, text type, link, target, status, tip text, etc. 
* Supports wrapping text in one node
* Supports setting multiple tree nodes’ properties at one time
* Multiple tree menus on the same page; multiple pages use the same javascript menu trees
* Supports any doctypes 
* Any HTML code can be used within nodes 
* Live preview in real time 
* Disable nodes function can disable certain nodes to meet your special needs.
* Section 508 compliant

Год выпуска / Release year: 2010
ОС / OS: Windows 2000 / XP /Server 2003 / Vista /Server 2008
Язык / Language: Английский (English)
Лекарство / Activation/Crack/Serial/etc: присутствует / present
Размер / Size: 5.48 Mb

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