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Clementine 0.4.2 (source code) для ucoz

[ Чтобы скачивать файлы зарегистрируйтесь, или войдите под своим логином ] 07 Июля 2010, 1.03 PM

Clementine - современный кроссплатформенный музыкальный плейер и органайзер музыкальной коллекции. Представляет собой порт Amarok 1.4, переписанный для лучшего использования возможностей Qt4.

Основные возможности:
# Поиск и проигрывание локальной коллекции музыки
# Прослушивание радио Last.fm и SomaFM
# Редактирование тэгов MP3 и OGG files
# Работает в Windows, Mac OS X и Linux
# Нативные экранные уведомления в Linux (libnotify) и Mac OS X (Growl)

Что нового:

Version 0.4.2:
* (Linux) Fixed a bug where Clementine wouldn't start at all on Slackware, openSUSE, or any other distro without FTS3 support in sqlite.

Version 0.4.1:

* (Mac) Fix global shortcuts issue.


Version 0.4:
    * Support for multiple, tabbed playlists.
    * Support for loading and saving XSPF, M3U, PLS and ASX playlists.
    * Fullscreen visualisation support using projectM.
    * Added a search bar to filter playlists.
    * Magnatune integration - search, stream and download from Magnatune collection of DRM-free music.
    * Music transcoder that can convert your music to mp3, ogg, flac, spx, 3gp or m4a from any format that's supported by Clementine.
    * ReplayGain support for volume normalisation.
    * Improved the manual search feature of the album cover manager - you can now enter text to search for and pick the best cover from a list of results.
    * Added a "now playing" widget to the main window, and rework the UI slightly.
    * Added a progress bar to the album cover manager.
    * Added a "Configure global shortcuts" dialog.
    * Added a menu item to add whole folders to the playlist.
    * Added menu items in the Library view to "load" tracks and replace the
    &nbs p; whole playlist.
    * Added a "Jump to the currently playing track" menu item.
    * Added statusbar text saying how many songs are in the playlist.
    * Added a background rain option from http://www.rainymood.com/
    * Added some keyboard shortcuts for common actions.
    * Library scanning on startup is now optional.
    * Library scanning now shows progress information in the status bar.
    * New application icon.
    * The pretty OSD is now even prettier.
    * (Linux) Use icons from the desktop icon theme where possible.

    * Searching through large libraries is now much faster.
    * Gapless playback should now work all the time with all formats.
    * Song fading and crossfading shouldn't get cut off early on some sound drivers.
    * Automatically detect and fix non-UTF8 character encodings in song tags.
    * Fix the 5 second delay between starting the first Last.fm track and showing the cover-art in the notification.
    * Lower the CPU usage of the currently playing track animation.
    * Fixed a bug that would cause very high CPU usage after playing a number of tracks.
    * MMS streams that redirect to a RTSP stream should now play properly.
    * Group error messages together so the user isn't overwhelmed by dialogs.
    * Pressing "previous" in a shuffled playlist should follow the same order.
    * Adding whole directories to the playlist now happens in the background so it doesn't block the GUI.
    * Fix a bug where Clementine would forget which playlist columns had been hidden which lead to "ghost" columns that were shown but invisible.
    * (Linux) Fix MPRIS pause behaviour.
    * (Windows) hostsharefile style URLs are now playable.
    * (Windows) Use the improved directsound8 audio driver from Songbird, fixing several playback issues on Windows.
    * (Windows) Fix playback of AAC and WMA files, as well as MMS streams.
    * (Windows) Fix a bug that prevented loading of any JPEG album covers.
    * (Windows) Fix the animated busy spinner.
    * (Mac) Add a list of supported filetypes so OS X knows which file types Clementine can open.
    * (Mac) Fix playback of various filetypes.
    * (Mac) Fix dock menu when Clementine is minimised.
    * (Mac) Support custom key combinations for global shortcuts (only on Snow Leopard and higher).
    * (Mac) Hide behaviour tab as it does nothing.

Разработчик : David Sansome
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